Designation: A376/A 376M | ||||||
Standard Specification for Seamless Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Central-Station Service |
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 376/A 376M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. |
Chemical Requirements: A376/A 376M | ||||||
Grade | UNS Designation | Composition,% | ||||
TP 304 | S30400 | Carbon: 0.08 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 8.0–11.0 | Chromium: 18.0–20.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 304H | S30409 | Carbon: 0.04–0.10 | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 8.0–11.0 | Chromium: 18.0–20.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 304N | S30451 | Carbon: 0.08 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 8.0–11.0 | Chromium: 18.0–20.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 304LN | S30453 | Carbon: 0.035 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 8.0–11.0 | Chromium: 18.0–20.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: 0.10–0.16 | Others: … | ||||
TP 316 | S31600 | Carbon: 0.08 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 11.0–14.0 | Chromium: 16.0–18.0 | Molybdenum: 2.00–3.00 | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 316H | S31609 | Carbon: 0.04–0.10 | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 11.0–14.0 | Chromium: 16.0–18.0 | Molybdenum: 2.00–3.00 | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 316N | S31651 | Carbon: 0.08 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 11.0–14.0 | Chromium: 16.0–18.0 | Molybdenum: 2.00–3.00 | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: 0.10–0.16 | Others: … | ||||
TP 316LN | S31653 | Carbon: 0.035 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 11.0–14.0 | Chromium: 16.0–18.0 | Molybdenum: 2.00–3.00 | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: 0.10–0.16 | Others: … | ||||
TP 321 | S32100 | Carbon: 0.08 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 9.0–13.0 | Chromium: 17.0–19.0 | Molybdenum: | Titanium: B | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 321H | S32109 | Carbon: 0.04–0.10 | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 9.0–13.0 | Chromium: 17.0–19.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: C | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 347 | S34700 | Carbon: 0.08 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 9.0–13.0 | Chromium: 17.0–19.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: D | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: .. | Others: … | ||||
TP 347H | S34709 | Carbon: 0.04–0.10 | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 9.0–13.0 | Chromium: 17.0–19.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: E | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
TP 348 | S34800 | Carbon: 0.08 max | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 9.0–13.0 | Chromium: 17.0–19.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: D | ||
Tantalum: 0.10 | Nitrogen: … | Others: Co 0.20 max | ||||
TP 348H | S34809 | Carbon: 0.04–0.10 | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 1.00 |
Nickel: 9.0–13.0 | Chromium: 17.0–19.0 | Molybdenum: … | Titanium: … | Columbium: E | ||
Tantalum: 0.10 | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
16-8-2H | S16800 | Carbon: 0.05–0.10 | Manganese max: 2.00 | Phosphorus max: 0.045 | Sulfur max: 0.030 | Silicone max: 0.75 |
Nickel: 7.5–9.5 | Chromium: 14.5–16.5 | Molybdenum: 1.50–2.00 | Titanium: … | Columbium: … | ||
Tantalum: … | Nitrogen: … | Others: … | ||||
The method of analysis for nitrogen shall be a matter of agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer. The titanium content shall be not less than five times the carbon content and not more than 0.70 %. The titanium content shall be not less than four times the carbon content and not more than 0.70 %. The columbium content shall be not less than ten times the carbon content and not more than 1.10 %. The columbium content shall be not less than eight times the carbon content and not more than 1.10 %. This grade is intended for special purpose applications |
Materials and Manufacture | ||||||
Manufacture—At the manufacturer’s option, pipe may be either hot finished or cold finished, with a suitable finishing treatment, where necessary. Heat Treatment: All pipe shall be furnished in the heat-treated condition unless the order specifically states that no final heat treatment shall be applied. When the order is furnished without final heat treatment, each pipe shall be stenciled “HT-O.” As an alternate to final heat treatment in a continuous furnace or batch-type furnace, immediately following hot forming while the temperature of the pipes is not less than the specified minimum solution treatment temperature, pipes may be individually quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means. Grades TP304, TP304N, TP304LN, TP316, TP316N, TP316LN, TP321, TP347, TP348, 16-8-2H, S 31725, and S 31726 —Unless otherwise stated in the order, heat treatment shall consist of heating to a minimum temperature of 1900 °F [1040 °C] and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. The purchaser may specify controlled structural or special service characteristics which shall be used as a guide for the most suitable heat treatment. If the final heat treatment is at a temperature under 1900 °F [1040 °C], each pipe shall be stenciled with the final heat treatment temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius after the suffix “HT.” Grades TP304H, TP316H, TP321H, TP347H, TP348H, and 16-8-2H—If cold working is involved in pro |
cessing, the minimum solution-treating temperature for Grades TP321H, TP347H, and TP348H shall be 2000 °F [1100 °C], for Grades TP304H and TP316H, 1900 °F [1040 °C], and for Grade 16-8-2H, 1800 °F [980 °C]. If the material is hot-rolled, the minimum solution-treating temperatures for Grades TP321H, TP347H, and TP348H shall be 1925 °F [1050 °C], for Grades TP304H and TP316H, 1900 °F [1040 °C], and for Grade 16-8-2H, 1800 °F [980 °C]. Grade S34565—Heat treatment shall consist of heating to a temperature in the range of 2050 °F [1120 °C] minimum and 2140 °F [1170 °C] maximum, and quenching in water or rapidly cooling by other means. A solution annealing temperature above 1950 °F [1065 °C] may impair the resistance to intergranular corrosion after subsequent exposure to sensitizing conditions in TP321, TP321H, TP347, TP347H, TP348, and TP348H. When specified by the purchaser, a lower temperature stabilization or resolution anneal shall be used subsequent to the initial high temperature solution anneal (see Supplementary Requirement S9). The grain size of grades 304H, 316H, 321H, 347H, and 348H as determined in accordance with Test Methods E 112, shall be No. 7 or coarser. |
NPS Designator | Lengths of Pipe in Lot | |||||
Under NPS 2 NPS 2 to NPS 5, incl Over NPS 5 |
400 or fraction thereof 200 or fraction thereof 100 or fraction thereof |
Tensile Requirements | ||||||
Grade |
UNS Designation |
TensileStrength, min, ksi / [MPa] |
Yield Strength, min, ksi [MPa] |
Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm (or 4D) min, % |
Longitudinal | Transverse | |||||
TP 304 | S30400 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 304H | S30409 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 304N | S30451 | 80 [550] | 35 [240] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 304LN | S30453 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 316 | S31600 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 316H | S31609 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 316N | S31651 | 80 [550] | 35 [240] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 316LN | S31653 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 321 #3⁄8 9 |
S32100 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 321H >3⁄8 9 |
S32109 | 70 [480] | 25 [170] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 347 | S34700 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 347H | S34709 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 348 | S34800 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
TP 348H | S34809 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
16-8-2H | S16800 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
. . . | S31725 | 75 [515] | 30 [205] | 35 | 25 | |
. . . | S31726 | 80 [550] | 35 [240] | 35 | 25 | |
. . . | S34565 | 115 [790] | 60 [415] | 35 | 30 | |
For grade TP304, NPS8 or larger, and in schedules 140 and heavier, the required minimum tensile strength shall be 70 ksi [480 MPa]. Prior to the issuance of A 376/A 376M – 88, the tensile and yield strength values were 75 [520] and 30 [210] respectively, for nominal wall greater than 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm] |
NPS Designator | Hole Diameter | |||||
above 1⁄2 to 1 ¼ above 1 ¼to 2 above 2 to 5 above 5 |
0.039 in. (1 mm) 0.055 in. (1.4 mm) 0.071 in. (1.8 mm) 0.087 in. (2.2 mm) 0.106 in. (2.7 mm) |
End of pipe end | ||||||
Plain Ends (PE) | The PE pipes will generally be used for the smaller diameters pipe systems and in combination with Slip On flanges and Socket Weld fittings and flanges. | |||||
Threaded Ends (TE) | The TE implementation speaks for itself, this performance will generally used for small diameters pipe systems, and the connections will be made with threaded flanges and threaded fittings. | |||||
Beveled Ends (BE) | The BE implementation is applied to all diameters of buttweld flanges or buttweld fittings, and will be directly welded (with a small gap 3-4 mm) to each other or to the pipe. Ends are mostly be beveled to angle 30° (+ 5° / -0°) with a root face of 1.6 mm (± 0.8 mm). | |||||
Grooved ends | (example Victaulic pipes): these are pipes that allow a quick connection, used for non-critical applications | |||||
Threaded and coupled ends |
(T&C), generally used for gas distribution, Threaded connections are the most common pipe fittings used in oil and gas transportation systems. Due to external vibrations, cyclic loads, and pollution, the fitting parts may start getting loose, which could result in pipeline leaks and other environmental disasters. It is of great significance to develop a reliable technique that could provide… |
Type end : Plain Ends / Beveled Ends: Tubes – Pipe | ||||||
• Bevel End (BE) • Bevel Both Ends (BBE) • Bevel Large End (BLE) • Bevel One End (BOE) • Bevel Small End (BSE) • Bevel for Welding (BFW) • Buttweld End (BE) |
• End of Pipe (EOP) • Flange One End (FOE) • Plain End (PE) • Plain Both Ends (PBE) • Plain One End (POE) • Thread End (TE) • Thread Both Ends (TBE) |
• Thread Large End (TLE) • Thread One End (TOE) • Thread Small End (TSE) • Threads Only (TO) • Threads per Inch (TP I) |
Plastic End Caps for Tubing and Pipe Ends | ||||||
Pipe End Caps | Pipe End Plugs | Threaded Pipe Caps | Threaded Pipe Plugs | |||
The American Society Of Mechanical Engineers | American National Standards Institute | |||||
ASME B36.19M | ANSI B36.19 | |||||
ASME B36.10M | ANSI B36.10 |
Dimension Stainless steel pipe | ASME/ANSI B36.19M | |||||||||||||||||
Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe and Nominal Weights of Steel Pipe, Plain End | ||||||||||||||||||
Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Central ASTM A376 | ||||||||||||||||||
U.S. Customary Units | SI Units | |||||||||||||||||
Nominal Pipe Size |
Outside Diameter, in. |
Wall Thickness, in |
Plain End Weight, lb/ft |
Schedule (SCH) No. |
DN [Note] (2) |
Outside Diameter, mm |
Wall, Thickness mm |
Plain End Mass, kg/m |
1⁄8 | 0.405 | . . . (1) | . . . | 5S | 6 | 10.3 | . . . (1) | . . . | ||||||||||
1⁄8 | 0.405 | 0.049 (1) | 0.19 | 10S | 6 | 10.3 | 1.24 (1) | 0.28 | ||||||||||
1⁄8 | 0.405 | 0.068 | 0.24 | 40S | 6 | 10.3 | 1.73 | 0.37 | ||||||||||
1⁄8 | 0.405 | 0.095 | 0.31 | 80S | 6 | 10.3 | 2.41 | 0.47 | ||||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | . . . (1) | . . . | 5S | 8 | 13.7 | . . . (1) | . . . | ||||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | 0.065 (1) | 0.33 | 10S | 8 | 13.7 | 1.65 (1) | 0.49 | ||||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | 0.088 | 0.43 | 40S | 8 | 13.7 | 2.24 | 0.63 | ||||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | 0.119 |
80S | 8 | 13.7 | 3.02 | 0.8 | ||||||||||
3⁄8 | 0.675 | . . . (1) | . . . | 5S | 10 | 17.1 | . . . (1) | . . . | ||||||||||
3⁄8 | 0.675 | 0.065 (1) | 0.42 | 10S | 10 | 17.1 | 1.65 (1) | 0.63 | ||||||||||
3⁄8 | 0.675 | 0.091 | 0.57 | 40S | 10 | 17.1 | 2.31 | 0.84 | ||||||||||
3⁄8 | 0.675 | 0.126 | 0.74 | 80S | 10 | 17.1 | 3.2 | 1.1 | ||||||||||
1⁄2 | 0.840 | 0.065 (1) | 0.54 | 5S | 15 | 21.3 | 1.65 (1) | 0.8 | ||||||||||
1⁄2 | 0.840 | 0.083 (1) | 0.67 | 10S | 15 | 21.3 | 2.11 (1) | 1 | ||||||||||
1⁄2 | 0.840 | 0.109 | 0.85 | 40S | 15 | 21.3 | 2.77 | 1.27 | ||||||||||
1⁄2 | 0.840 | 0.147 | 1.09 | 80S | 15 | 21.3 | 3.73 | 1.62 | ||||||||||
3⁄4 | 1.050 | 0.065 (1) | 0.68 | 5S | 20 | 26.7 | 1.65 (1) | 1.02 | ||||||||||
3⁄4 | 1.050 | 0.083 (1) | 0.86 | 10S | 20 | 26.7 | 2.11 (1) | 1.28 | ||||||||||
3⁄4 | 1.050 | 0.113 | 1.13 | 40S | 20 | 26.7 | 2.87 | 1.69 | ||||||||||
3⁄4 | 1.050 | 0.154 | 1.48 | 80S | 20 | 26.7 | 3.91 | 2.2 | ||||||||||
1 | 1.315 | 0.065 (1) | 0.87 | 5S | 25 | 33.4 | 1.65 (1) | 1.29 | ||||||||||
1 | 1.315 | 0.109 (1) | 1.41 | 10S | 25 | 33.4 | 2.77 (1) | 2.09 | ||||||||||
1 | 1.315 | 0.133 | 1.68 | 40S | 25 | 33.4 | 3.38 | 2.5 | ||||||||||
1 | 1.315 | 0.179 | 2.17 | 80S | 25 | 33.4 | 4.55 | 3.24 | ||||||||||
11⁄4 | 1.66 | 0.065 (1) | 1.11 | 5S | 32 | 42.2 | 1.65 (1) | 1.65 | ||||||||||
11⁄4 | 1.66 | 0.109 (1) | 1.81 | 10S | 32 | 42.2 | 2.77 (1) | 2.69 | ||||||||||
11⁄4 | 1.66 | 0.14 | 2.27 | 40S | 32 | 42.2 | 3.56 | 3.39 | ||||||||||
11⁄4 | 1.66 | 0.191 | 3 | 80S | 32 | 42.2 | 4.85 | 4.47 | ||||||||||
11⁄2 | 1.9 | 0.065 (1) | 1.28 | 5S | 40 | 48.3 | 1.65 (1) | 1.9 | ||||||||||
11⁄2 | 1.9 | 0.109 (1) | 2.09 | 10S | 40 | 48.3 | 2.77 (1) | 3.11 | ||||||||||
11⁄2 | 1.9 | 0.145 | 2.72 | 40S | 40 | 48.3 | 3.68 | 4.05 | ||||||||||
11⁄2 | 1.9 | 0.2 | 3.63 | 80S | 40 | 48.3 | 5.08 | 5.41 | ||||||||||
2 | 2.375 | 0.065 (1) | 1.61 | 5S | 50 | 60.3 | 1.65 (1) | 2.39 | ||||||||||
2 | 2.375 | 0.109 (1) | 2.64 | 10S | 50 | 60.3 | 2.77 (1) | 3.93 | ||||||||||
2 | 2.375 | 0.154 | 3.66 | 40S | 50 | 60.3 | 3.91 | 5.44 | ||||||||||
2 | 2.375 | 0.218 | 5.03 | 80S | 50 | 60.3 | 5.54 | 7.48 | ||||||||||
21⁄2 | 2.875 | 0.083 (1) | 2.48 | 5S | 65 | 73 | 2.11 (1) | 3.69 | ||||||||||
21⁄2 | 2.875 | 0.120 (1) | 3.53 | 10S | 65 | 73 | 3.05 (1) | 5.26 | ||||||||||
21⁄2 | 2.875 | 0.203 | 5.8 | 40S | 65 | 73 | 5.16 | 8.63 | ||||||||||
21⁄2 | 2.875 | 0.276 | 7.67 | 80S | 65 | 73 | 7.01 | 11.41 | ||||||||||
3 | 3.5 | 0.083 (1) | 3.03 | 5S | 80 | 88.9 | 2.11 (1) | 4.52 | ||||||||||
3 | 3.5 | 0.120 (1) | 4.34 | 10S | 80 | 88.9 | 3.05 (1) | 6.46 | ||||||||||
3 | 3.5 | 0.216 | 7.58 | 40S | 80 | 88.9 | 5.49 | 11.29 | ||||||||||
3 | 3.5 | 0.3 | 10.26 | 80S | 80 | 88.9 | 7.62 | 15.27 | ||||||||||
31⁄2 | 4 | 0.083 (1) | 3.48 | 5S | 90 | 101.6 | 2.11 (1) | 5.18 | ||||||||||
31⁄2 | 4 | 0.120 (1) | 4.98 | 10S | 90 | 101.6 | 3.05 (1) | 7.41 | ||||||||||
31⁄2 | 4 | 0.226 | 9.12 | 40S | 90 | 101.6 | 5.74 | 13.57 | ||||||||||
31⁄2 | 4 | 0.318 | 12.52 | 80S | 90 | 101.6 | 8.08 | 18.64 | ||||||||||
4 | 4.5 | 0.083 (1) | 3.92 | 5S | 100 | 114.3 | 2.11 (1) | 5.84 | ||||||||||
4 | 4.5 | 0.120 (1) | 5.62 | 10S | 100 | 114.3 | 3.05 (1) | 8.37 | ||||||||||
4 | 4.5 | 0.237 | 10.8 | 40S | 100 | 114.3 | 6.02 | 16.08 | ||||||||||
4 | 4.5 | 0.337 | 15 | 80S | 100 | 114.3 | 8.56 | 22.32 | ||||||||||
5 | 5.563 | 0.109 (1) | 6.36 | 5S | 125 | 141.3 | 2.77 (1) | 9.46 | ||||||||||
5 | 5.563 | 0.134 (1) | 7.78 | 10S | 125 | 141.3 | 3.40 (1) | 11.56 | ||||||||||
5 | 5.563 | 0.258 | 14.63 | 40S | 125 | 141.3 | 6.55 | 21.77 | ||||||||||
5 | 5.563 | 0.375 | 20.8 | 80S | 125 | 141.3 | 9.53 | 30.97 | ||||||||||
6 | 6.625 | 0.109 (1) | 7.59 | 5S | 150 | 168.3 | 2.77 (1) | 11.31 | ||||||||||
6 | 6.625 | 0.134 (1) | 9.3 | 10S | 150 | 168.3 | 3.40 (1) | 13.83 | ||||||||||
6 | 6.625 | 0.28 | 18.99 | 40S | 150 | 168.3 | 7.11 | 28.26 | ||||||||||
6 | 6.625 | 0.432 | 28.6 | 80S | 150 | 168.3 | 10.97 | 42.56 | ||||||||||
8 | 8.625 | 0.109 (1) | 9.92 | 5S | 200 | 219.1 | 2.77 (1) | 14.78 | ||||||||||
8 | 8.625 | 0.148 (1) | 13.41 | 10S | 200 | 219.1 | 3.76 (1) | 19.97 | ||||||||||
8 | 8.625 | 0.322 | 28.58 | 40S | 200 | 219.1 | 8.18 | 42.55 | ||||||||||
8 | 8.625 | 0.5 | 43.43 | 80S | 200 | 219.1 | 12.7 | 64.64 | ||||||||||
10 | 10.75 | 0.134 (1) | 15.21 | 5S | 250 | 273.1 | 3.40 (1) | 22.61 | ||||||||||
10 | 10.75 | 0.165 (1) | 18.67 | 10S | 250 | 273.1 | 4.19 (1) | 27.79 | ||||||||||
10 | 10.75 | 0.365 | 40.52 | 40S | 250 | 273.1 | 9.27 | 60.31 | ||||||||||
10 | 10.75 | 0.500 (2) | 54.79 | 80S | 250 | 273.1 | 12.70 (2) | 81.56 | ||||||||||
12 | 12.75 | 0.156 (1) | 21 | 5S | 300 | 323.9 | 3.96 (1) | 31.25 | ||||||||||
12 | 12.75 | 0.180 (1) | 24.19 | 10S | 300 | 323.9 | 4.57 (1) | 35.99 | ||||||||||
12 | 12.75 | 0.375 (2) | 49.61 | 40S | 300 | 323.9 | 9.53 (2) | 73.88 | ||||||||||
12 | 12.75 | 0.500 (2) | 65.48 | 80S | 300 | 323.9 | 12.70 (2) | 97.47 | ||||||||||
14 | 14 | 0.156 (1) | 23.09 | 5S | 350 | 355.6 | 3.96 (1) | 34.34 | ||||||||||
14 | 14 | 0.188 (1), (2) | 27.76 | 10S | 350 | 355.6 | 4.78 (1), (2) | 41.36 | ||||||||||
14 | 14 | 0.375 (2) | 54.62 | 40S | 350 | 355.6 | 9.53 (2) | 81.33 | ||||||||||
14 | 14 | 0.500 (2) | 72.16 | 80S | 350 | 355.6 | 12.70 (2) | 107.4 | ||||||||||
16 | 16 | 0.165 (1) | 27.93 | 5S | 400 | 406.4 | 4.19 (1) | 41.56 | ||||||||||
16 | 16 | 0.188 (1), (2) | 31.78 | 10S | 400 | 406.4 | 4.78 (1), (2) | 47.34 | ||||||||||
16 | 16 | 0.375 (2) | 62.64 | 40S | 400 | 406.4 | 9.53 (2) | 93.27 | ||||||||||
16 | 16 | 0.500 (2) | 82.85 | 80S | 400 | 406.4 | 12.70 (2) | 123.31 | ||||||||||
18 | 18 | 0.165 (1) | 31.46 | 5S | 450 | 457 | 4.19 (1) | 46.79 | ||||||||||
18 | 18 | 0.188 (1), (2) | 35.8 | 10S | 450 | 457 | 4.78 (1), (2) | 53.31 | ||||||||||
18 | 18 | 0.375 (2) | 70.65 | 40S | 450 | 457 | 9.53 (2) | . . . | ||||||||||
18 | 18 | 0.500 (2) | 93.54 | 80S | 450 | 457 | 12.70 (2) | . . . | ||||||||||
20 | 20 | 0.188 (1) | 39.82 | 5S | 500 | 508 | 4.78 (1) | 59.32 | ||||||||||
20 | 20 | 0.218 (1), (2) | 46.1 | 10S | 500 | 508 | 5.54 (1), (2) | 68.65 | ||||||||||
20 | 20 | 0.375 (2) | 78.67 | 40S | 500 | 508 | 9.53 (2) | 117.15 | ||||||||||
20 | 20 | 0.500 (2) | 104.23 | 80S | 500 | 508 | 12.70 (2) | 155.13 | ||||||||||
22 | 22 | 0.188 (1) | 43.84 | 5S | 550 | 559 | 4.78 (1) | 65.33 | ||||||||||
22 | 22 | 0.218 (1), (2) | 50.76 | 10S | 550 | 559 | 5.54 (1), (2) | 75.62 | ||||||||||
22 | 22 | . . . | . . . | 40S | 550 | 559 | . . . | . . . | ||||||||||
22 | 22 | . . . | . . . | 80S | 550 | 559 | . . . | . . . | ||||||||||
24 | 24 | 0.218 (1) | 55.42 | 5S | 600 | 610 | 5.54 (1) | 82.58 | ||||||||||
24 | 24 | 0.250 (1) | 63.47 | 10S | 600 | 610 | 6.35 (1) | 94.53 | ||||||||||
24 | 24 | 0.375 (2) | 94.71 | 40S | 600 | 610 | 9.53 (2) | 141.12 | ||||||||||
24 | 24 | 0.500 (2) | 125.61 | 80S | 600 | 610 | 12.70 (2) | 187.07 | ||||||||||
30 | 30 | 0.250 (1) | 79.51 | 5S | 750 | 762 | 6.35 (1) | 118.34 | ||||||||||
30 | 30 | 0.312 (1) | 99.02 | 10S | 750 | 762 | 7.92 (1) | 147.29 | ||||||||||
30 | 30 | . . . | . . . | 40S | 750 | 762 | . . . | . . . | ||||||||||
30 | 30 | . . . | . . . | 80S | 750 | 762 | . . . | . . . | ||||||||||
GENERAL NOTES: (a) 1 in. p 25.4 mm. (b) For tolerances, see para. 6. (c) 1 lb/ft p 1.4895 kg/m. (d) Weights are given in pounds per linear foot (kilograms per meter) and are for carbon steel pipe with plain ends. (e) The different grades of stainless steel permit considerable variations in weight. The ferritic stainless steels may be about 5% less, and the austenitic stainless steels about 2% greater, than the values shown in this Table, which are based on weights for carbon steel. NOTES: (1) These wall thicknesses do not permit threading in accordance with ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. (2) These dimensions do not conform to ASME B36.10M. |
The American Society Of Mechanical Engineers | American National Standards Institute | |||||||||||||||||
ASME B36.19M | ANSI B36.19M |
Dimension Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe, ASTM A312 | ASME/ANSI B36.10M-2004 | |||||||||||||||||
Dimensions and Weights of Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe | ||||||||||||||||||
Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Central ASTM A376 | ||||||||||||||||||
U.S. Customary |
Identification [Standard (STD), Extra-Strong (XS), or Double Extra Strong (XXS)] |
Schedule (SCH) No. |
SI Units | |||||||||||||||
Nominal Pipe Size |
Outside Diameter, in. |
Wall Thickness, in |
Plain End Weight, lb/ft |
DN [Note] (2 |
Outside Diameter, mm |
Wall Thickness, mm |
Plain End Mass, kg/m |
1⁄8 | 0.405 | 0.049 | 0.19 | . . . | 10 | 6 (3) | 10.3 | 1.24 | 0.28 | |||||||||
1⁄8 | 0.405 | 0.057 | 0.21 | . . . | 30 | 6 (3) | 10.3 | 1.45 | 0.32 | |||||||||
1⁄8 | 0.405 | 0.068 | 0.24 | STD | 40 | 6 (3) | 10.3 | 1.73 | 0.37 | |||||||||
1⁄8 | 0.405 | 0.095 | 0.31 | XS | 80 | 6 (3) | 10.3 | 2.41 | 0.47 | |||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | 0.065 | 0.33 | . . . | 10 | 8 (3) | 13.7 | 1.65 | 0.49 | |||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | 0.073 | 0.36 | . . . | 30 | 8 (3) | 13.7 | 1.85 | 0.54 | |||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | 0.088 | 0.43 | STD | 40 | 8 (3) | 13.7 | 2.24 | 0.63 | |||||||||
1⁄4 | 0.54 | 0.119 | 0.54 | XS | 80 | 8 (3) | 13.7 | 3.02 | 0.8 | |||||||||
3⁄8 | 0.675 | 0.065 | 0.42 | . . . | 10 | 10 | 17.1 | 1.65 | 0.63 | |||||||||
3⁄8 | 0.675 | 0.073 | 0.47 | . . . | 30 | 10 | 17.1 | 1.85 | 0.7 | |||||||||
3⁄8 | 0.675 | 0.091 | 0.57 |